Monday, July 21, 2014

Branding: Digital Age Leadership

In reading Eric Scheninger's Digital Leadership, the chapter about Branding has stuck out at me as I go through this process of becoming a digital age leader.  The concept of branding is to communicate your product or service through a distinctive sum experience, with the ultimate goal having a positive presences in the digital world.  Scheninger presents two types of branding, professional and school.  Your professional brand is a personal  brand, one that communicate who you are and what your believe.  The school  brand is what your school communicates about itself to the outside world.  Scheninger recommends that we look at professional and school branding from a business perspective,to create a focused, positive product or service that captures your audience.    The schools brand should resonate throughout the school and community, as a whole.


  1. Sheninger also says tell your story before someone else does. We want a true and positive image of the great happenings on our campuses, and this can be done in real time through the school twitter account, web page and even the principals blog.

  2. Love the design of your blog. Very friendly. Your theme tells me exactly who you are and what your blog is about.

  3. I am glad that I am on a team that does "love" what they do, because I come to school every day because I love my job and the people with whom I interact! I love the fact that I get to watch teachers learn and grow in their jobs, that I get to see students making progress due to the huge efforts made by teachers to provide the best lessons, and that we have an administrative staff who encourages growth for all staff!
